
Shock Discovery: Man Uncovers 30-Year Affair by Late Wife, Kids Take DNA Tests for Truth

A grieving man shared his heartbreaking and shocking story on Reddit after discovering his deceased wife had been unfaithful for over thirty years. Determined to avenge her betrayal, he devised an extraordinary plan.

After his wife’s death, the man had to wait two weeks for the necessary postmortem paperwork to bury her. In the meantime, he began sorting through her belongings with his son’s help. They charged her devices, hoping they still worked, and stumbled upon a stack of papers. To his horror, they were love letters from an unknown man.

The Redditor, who married his wife in 1986 after seven years of dating, recounted their history: “We met at a holiday camp in Scotland in 1979.” They moved to her small village after getting married. He worked night shifts while she stayed home with their children. Believing he lived the perfect life, his world shattered when he discovered the love letters and text messages from the same man on her devices. The realization that his wife had been cheating on him was unbearable.

The affair had started in the first year of their marriage and lasted until the man died seven years before his wife’s demise. This man was a family friend who frequently visited their home. Shockingly, the entire village knew about the affair.

Upon reading the letters and texts, the Redditor learned that the man suspected one of their four children was his. When he shared this with his children, their reactions varied. Two wanted DNA tests, while the other two were confident he was their father and refused the test.

Fueled by anger, the Redditor decided to exact his revenge by disregarding his wife’s burial wishes. Instead of burying her next to her parents, he buried her 300 miles away in England, infuriating the villagers who had kept the affair a secret.

The DNA Results
Despite two of his children’s certainty, the DNA results were shocking. None of the children were his, and all four had different fathers. The ancestry tests revealed that the boys were not only half-siblings but had other unknown siblings. With this knowledge, the Redditor plotted his next move.

The Revenge
At a church meeting with 250 attendees, he handed the pastor an envelope with £200 ($256) meant for a memorial service, which he canceled. His real plan was to expose everyone in the village who had been involved with his wife.

He called out the first man, revealing he had fathered a child with his wife while his own wife was also pregnant. He provided the DNA results to prove it. He continued exposing others, including a man married for 28 years who had written love letters in the ’90s, and another who had been married for 30 years but fathered a child with his wife.

The revelation stunned the community, as the Redditor revealed that his children now knew their biological fathers and were willing to meet them. The dramatic and well-executed revenge left the Reddit community in awe of his story.

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